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Customer Information Bulletin 431: August 2024

Customer Information Bulletin 431: August 2024

Welcome to Landgate's Customer Information Bulletin for August, where you'll find information on:

  • Additional Electronic Document Capability; and
  • Navigating the Requisition Portal



 Additional Electronic Document Capability

Increased Electronic Transfer Documents

From 5 August 2024, there will be an increase in electronic transfers that are eligible for preparation and lodgement via the PEXA Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN).

The increased capability includes the following additional transfer consideration types:

  • Desire to change the manner of tenancy
  • Pursuant to the terms of a deed
  • Pursuant to the terms of a will
  • Pursuant to the terms of the Administration Act 1903
  • Non-monetary (used where no other consideration type is available)

Additionally, there will be an increase in transaction types eligible to be settled electronically with RevenueWA.  RevenueWA will provide further information about eligible transactions following the release on their website at this link - Lodge documents using eConveyancing | Western Australian Government (

Under the Transfer of Land Regulations 2004, eligible transfers prepared by industry professionals must be lodged electronically. We understand that some transactions will have already been in preparation, known as “in-flight transactions”. To assist industry professionals during the transition period, an in-flight transaction will be accepted for paper lodgement, providing the transfer document:

  • was not eligible for electronic lodgement before 5 August 2024 and
  • is supported by an Offer and Acceptance or written agreement dated before 1 September 2024.

Information about eligibility requirements for the transmission application are set out on the Electronic Conveyancing webpage under title, Document Eligibility

New electronic Transmission Application

The ability to lodge a standalone transmission application via the PEXA Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN) will also be available as part of the above release.

Information about eligibility requirements for the transmission application are set out in the Document eligibility guide.

The electronic Transmission application is in addition to the seven structured documents and the 72 Residual documents currently available to be lodged electronically. For a full list of available electronic documents refer ELE-01 in the Land Transaction Procedure GuidesWe highly encourage the use of electronic documents which streamline the lodgement process, reduce document errors and allow for faster registration.

Additional information is available on the Landgate website, in the Land Transaction Procedure Guides or by emailing


New demonstration videos to assist with navigating Requisition Portal

Following the release of our Requisition Portal in February, we have developed a series of demonstration videos to assist you in navigating this new customer portal.

The Portal allows document lodging parties to upload additional evidence and correspondence for stopped documents to satisfy requisitions, as well as make payments securely online. Using the Portal to electronically upload the required supporting evidence means stopped documents can be processed significantly faster than submitting this information via email.

The following demonstration videos on key Requisition Portal functionality are now available to view with accompanying transcripts:

  1. Accessing the Requisition Portal from a Requisition Notice
  2. Uploading evidence
  3. Pay online by credit card
  4. Payment on account
  5. Access to Requisition Portal dashboard through Landgate homepage

Additional information can be accessed via the Requisition Portal webpage, including a comprehensive User Guide and helpful FAQ’s to support your user journey.

If you have any feedback on the Requisition Portal or the demonstration videos, please email to