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Landgate Customer Update: Publishing of 2024-25 Landgate regulated and associated fees increase

Landgate’s 2024-25 fees and charges have received approval from the Governor in Executive Council, have been published on the WA Legislation website, and are now official.

From 1 July 2024:

Sale of Land Information, Data and Imagery (non-regulated) products and services and Valuation Services fees and charges for regulated and non-regulated products

  • Landgate will increase the charges of most of its products and services relating to the sale of land information, data, imagery and valuation products by approximately 3 per cent.
  • Products and services related to the sale of land information, data, imagery and valuation products are calculated using Treasury’s forecast CPI rate of 3 per cent.

Regulated land titling and associated services

  • Landgate’s land titling and associated fees will increase by approximately 3.6 per cent.
  • Land Titling and associated fees are increased within the Australian Bureau of Statistics Perth CPI December actual annual change which was 3.635 per cent.

Land titling and associated fees for 2024-25 are below:

The official fees and charges are now available on our website.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact our Customer Service team, or your Account Manager.

Bruce Roberts
Registrar of Titles